Of all our diplomatic posts, Sudan stands out, written by Mrs Bonnie Anderson

Witten by Mrs Bonnie Anderson, (wife of His Excellency Ambassador G. Norman Anderson, the United State Ambassador to The Republic of the Sudan 1986-1989) about her experience living in the Sudan. May 2021.

Of all our diplomatic posts, Sudan stands out as having the most generous-hearted and hospitable people. The visitor will find that the highlight of living in Sudan or traveling there as a tourist is getting to know the Sudanese. They do not hesitate to tell you their opinions on any subject at hand, enabling you to get a feel for what is important in society.
Sites of interest abound: the Museum of the Khalifa’s House, the ancient Pyramids of Meroe, the Sudan National Museum, the camel races, the Omdurman market selling local handcrafts, antique silver pieces and Venetian glass beads, the point where the White and Blue Nile converge to become the Nile River flowing north through Egypt to the Mediterranean, scuba diving in the Red Sea, the desert navigated by following tracks in the sand, and exuberant whirling dervishes, to name a few.
Soon after arriving in Khartoum, I met two Sudanese women who became very close friends: Aziza Hassan Ali Karrar and her sister Samira Hassan Ali Karrar. The women were members of a highly respected family known for their leading roles in education, women’s rights and welfare, and the law. Aziza and Samira took it upon themselves to introduce me to Sudanese customs, including wedding receptions where a thousand or more guests would celebrate while being served an elaborate dinner. Their running commentary about Sudanese traditions and current events was very helpful to a person eager to learn about life in Sudan.
Visitors coming to Sudan will find a dignified society steeped in traditions, an exotic land unspoiled by tourism, and a sincerely warm welcome